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Figure 2 | BMC Proceedings

Figure 2

From: Genome-wide analysis of single-locus and epistasis single-nucleotide polymorphism effects on anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide as a measure of rheumatoid arthritis

Figure 2

Two potential epistasis networks each centered at an SNP that had one of the most significant epistasis effects and interacted with other loci at lower significance levels. Each type of epistasis effect is represented by the line color: black, I effect; red, A × A; purple, A × D; blue, D × A; green, D × D. A pair of SNPs connected by two lines had two significant epistasis effects. The significance level of each epistasis effect is represented by the node color: red, p < 10-10; cyan, p < 10-7; green, p < 10-6; yellow, p < 10-5. A, Epistasis network centered at rs1009172 of chromosome 11; B, Epistasis network centered at rs1395610 of chromosome 18.

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