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Table 3 Summary of interactive learning activities at the EQUATOR Canada 2017 Publication School

From: Learning best-practices in journalology: course description and attendee insights into the inaugural EQUATOR Canada Publication School



Activity description


Writing an article that is fit for purpose using a reporting guideline

Peer review and assessment of fit for purpose writing of a published cohort study through application of the STROBE reporting guideline


Tools for Transparency

Familiarization with Open Science Framework and ORCID to promote transparency in research methodology


Selective reporting: Detection, consequences and solutions

Detection of selective reporting by comparing reported outcomes in a published study protocol versus the published clinical trial report


Patient engagement roundtable and networking event

Attendees rotated between three tables led by two faculty each and brain-stormed ideas and thoughts on (1) Why engage patients and barriers to engagement; (2) When to engage patients and how to report in manuscripts/reports; and

(3) How to identify patients and engage patients. Attendees voted at each table on the top five take-home messages and nominated a table “reporter” to present their results to the course attendees during Session 16.


Fees, predatory journals, open access, and traditional publication models

In groups, attendees applied their understanding of predatory journals in an examination of three faculty-selected journal articles


Engaging patients and parents: From design to publication

Group discussion on engaging patients and parents, with student presentation of take-home lessons learned from Session 10

  1. Abbreviations: STROBE = Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology, ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID